Boost Your Savings with the City of Parramatta Home Solar Rebate

Elevate Your Savings: Seize the City of Parramatta Home Solar Rebate Opportunity
For those living in the City of Parramatta, now could be a really good time to start thinking about installing solar panels on your home.
The local Council is now offering an added incentive to residents. As part of the Sustainability Rebates and Small Grants program, the council aims to boost renewables and improve environmental outcomes in the community, the rebate is worth up to $500.
The program also offers a range of financial support mechanisms to local residents, schools and businesses to improve environmental outcomes in the areas of waste and recycling, renewable energy, water and energy efficiency, biodiversity, food security and sustainable transport.
How do you apply for this rebate?
To be eligible for the rebate, your system will need to be greater than 3kW and installed by a Clean Energy Council accredited installer such as Smart Energy Answers.
The owner of the property also needs to obtain pre-approval for the rebate from Council before the installation commences and the system needs to be installed within 60 days of the pre-approval, which SEA can assist with.
When to apply for the rebate?
The council’s incentive is only available for a limited time and there is limited funding. So, you will need to act fast to be included in this offer. SEA can help you get started on your application.
Why invest in solar in Parramatta?
Whether your application for the council’s rebate incentive is successful or not, solar panels will always remain a great investment.
Take, for example, a 6.6kW solar system installed in Paramatta subsidised with the Australian “solar rebate” available to just about everyone can achieve simple payback in just over 5 years. And with the City’s incentive added, even faster.
The end goal of the council’s rebate initiative is to slash community emissions by 60% and meet 50% of electricity demand with renewable energy by 2038.
Currently, there’s not a great deal of residential and small-scale commercial solar power in the local government area compared to many other jurisdictions. Just in Parramatta’s postcode area (2150), only a few hundred small-scale systems have been installed to date.
Approximately 18% of compatible dwellings across the Council’s area have had installations, compared to around 27% across the state – and an estimated 38.4% of the population live in flats or apartments compared to 19.9% in New South Wales.
The city of Parramatta Council has also installed solar panels on several of its assets with a collective capacity of 371kW. Other emissions reduction efforts included a smart and LED street-lighting upgrade project Council states was the largest ever seen in New South Wales.
Ready to apply?
Contact one our experts at Smart Energy Answers
to walk you through the process.