The Future of The Smart Homes Event

The Future of Smart Homes: Insights from a Successful Event
Last night Smart Energy Answers held “The Future of The Smart Home” event which turned out to be a great success!
By covering key insights, we were able to emphasize the importance of going Solar as well as the future of renewables. The event was well delivered by Gus from LG, Oliver from TESLA, Brent from Solar Edge and the team at Smart Energy Answers!
The event covered a customised selection of key topics which included the following outline:
Daniel Lanzetta, CEO, Smart Energy Answers
- Smart Energy Answer’s history and vision
- Introductions & an overview of evening
Oren Ben-Moshe, Smart Energy Answers
- What should you avoid in the industry?
- Why should you choose solar?
- What are the poor industry practices?
- What is SEA’s role in improving the industry through education?
Oliver Lamont, Tesla
- The Big Future
- Battery storage
- Tesla’s history and product development
- An uptake of the battery
- VPPs and the future
Gus Paviani, LG Electronics
- The electrification of everything
- Smart home technology and appliances
- The increasing need for ‘free’ power
- Maximising solar output
Brent Heber, SolarEdge Technologies
- Powering up your Smart Home
- SolarEdge’s history and developments
- Controlling usage with advanced monitoring
- The role of solar in smart homes

Norman Koslowski, Smart Energy Answers
- The future of renewables
- The new paradigm – The future of energy and electric vehicles
- VPPs and how solar with a battery is a smarter investment
Daniel Lanzetta, CEO, Smart Energy Answers
- Where to from here?
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